Mama China’s Bookshelf

favorite genres: historical fiction, biographies & autobiographies, social science fiction, parenting books, classic novels, craft how-to’s, anything published by DK

read so far in 2010 (most recent first, with 1-5 * rating):


to-read 2010 (books I own but haven’t yet read or finished):

Hudson and Maria
The Power of a Praying Wife by Stormie Omartian
Reflections on the Bible by Dietrich Bonhoeffer
Joshua by Joseph F. Girzone

wishlist (books I’d love to own, but don’t!):

View my book wishlist here (on Amazon).

massive bookshelf AND simplicity?!

Well, yes and no. My bookshelf is only massive in the virtual world. I buy books used from other expats who advertise in classifide ads. I also trade books via post or meet-ups, coordinated by Bookcrossing. And when I finish a book, I only keep it if it’s so good I plan to read it again… which I’m quite practical about, after years of realizing how rarely I’ll ever read especially a fictional novel twice…. or if it’s a book I’ll keep referring back to again and again (craft books, for example).